Flags for Heroes
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In 2015, members of the Iron Mountain Riders offered the Johnson County (TN) community a loving tribute to the fallen heroes who had made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. Each Memorial Day and Veterans Day the courthouse lawn provides the setting for this tribute to our county's fallen in service.
Over the years, the number of flags have grown to 102 representing our military from the Spanish-American War to the Fort Hood terrorist attack. Each cross displays the name of the Johnson Countian lost in conflict. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Arts Council, countless hours of research have been dedicated to telling the story of each of our heroes. A QR Code is affixed to the back of each cross which allows the reader to learn about our history.
In 2022, the members of the Iron Mountain Riders entrusted Hometown Service Coalition with the honor of the care of the Flag and Cross Memorial, as they passed the mantel. Hometown Service Coalition will continue this tradition and will strive to bring our community together to set up and retire the Memorial twice a year. In 2023, HSC sponsored an essay contest for High School students and we hope to see that become an annual event.
Any individual or organization who would like to involved can contact us at: hometownservicecoalition@gmail.com to be added to the email list. Donations for the upkeep and care of the flags and crosses can be made to Hometown Service Coalition. All donations are tax deductible and directed specifically for the Flags for Heroes project.